Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What a week it's been! It's only wednesday, but I feel like it should be the weekend already. This week has been kind of crazy with classes and such. My main issue has been with my anthropology class. The system my professor uses to distrubute the readings is that she leaves one copy of the readings with the secretary in the anthro building and we have to go pick them up, bring them to a copy shop, make a copy for ourselves, then return the original. This would be fine, except that the anthro building is really far from any other building, and also from any copy shop. So, in short, it's a real pain to get the readings for each class. (It makes me miss blackboard more than I ever thought I would!) Because of this process, I didn't get the readings for today very early, and the reading turned out to be 70 pages (in spanish of course) so wasn't able to finish them in time for class. So I was really nervous going to class, because I'm always afraid the professor will call on me, and I won't be able to make something up in spanish. But it turned out that pratically no one had done the reading so my little bit of reading was a lot more than they had done. Therefore, I actually raised my hand and participated in class! True, all I did was read a line from the reading, but it was me speaking in spanish in front of thirty native speakers, and it was correct. I was so proud of myself.

Of course, this pride didn't last too long becuase after class, I went to the copy shop where I thought I might have left my nalgene yesterday to ask if they had seen it. After inarticulately explaining my situation, they told me I could buy a bottle of water around the corner. Sometimes my spanish works, sometimes it doesn't.

Monday was the real adventure of the week though because we went to the lucha libre! It was just like in Nacho Libre, but even better if you can imagine it! The costumes were so ridiculous, especially becuase almost all the luchadores are masked. My favorite match was between batman and a masked New York Yankee. It's all choreographed, and many times obviously so, but that just makes it that much more fun. We were sitting up in the cheap seats, but we want to sit up front at some point beacuse the luchadores literally fall on top of the people in the front row. Or, they just lay on the floor in the fetal position while their teammates enter the ring. And half the fun was the people watching. There were lots of families with masked little kids, even though it was late at night. Then there was the group of young guys with noise makers who chanted obscene things at the luchadores every few minutes. It was so bizzare, but so much fun!

Max, Me, and Raul with our luchador masks

The view from where we sat

The delicious snack in Naimoy's hand is a bag of chips with hot sause and lime juice- our new favorite snack. We also had to have a beer to complete the lucha libre experience.

Christina said it best when she asked, "Where else can you see batman fight a Yankee?"

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